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115 - The Boundary of the Blood

115 - The Boundary of the Blood


Letter from the Editor: 

I’m excited to be writing to you from California where we’ve come to pray for 20 of the 40 days of our Jesus Revolution Fast. If you’ve watched the Jesus Revolution movie, you are likely very inspired by how the widespread Jesus Movement first began in California in the late 60’s. God wants to move once again in power upon a new generation, but what must be done to prepare the way of the Lord?  Today’s Briefing will give you a window into the strategic vision that God has begun to unfold for us through a very significant dream. May you read with eyes of faith and join us in intercession during these urgent days of opportunity. 

Cheryl Amabile

The Boundary of Blood

Last week, part of our team arrived in California to pray and fast together on ground zero where the Jesus Revolution of the 60’s began. In 2018, Lou Engle was here preparing to speak at the Healing Rooms of Santa Maria when he heard the Lord say, “Santa Maria is St. Mary, and just as St. Mary gave birth to Jesus, Santa Maria is going to give birth to another Jesus Movement.” Lou was struck by what he heard and was going to share those very words with the congregation that night. However, just as Rick Taylor, Director of the Healing Rooms, was opening the meeting, Rick declared prophetically, “Santa Maria is Saint Mary, and just as Saint Mary gave birth to Jesus, Santa Maria is going to birth another Jesus Movement!” Lou was shocked. He stood to confirm the word that Rick had just spoken.

That day, by the testimony of two witnesses, faith was established in our hearts that God was going to use this region to birth a great move of the Holy Spirit. Then, in 2018, our whole company came from Colorado to gather with intercessors in Santa Maria for ten days of prayer leading up to April 18th, for Luke 4:18. Interestingly, it was during that prayer strike that Mando Matthews, Director of Ekballo, Pasadena, received the vision for Hope California. This vision is now in full swing as they’ve mobilized thousands across California to these 40 days of fasting and prayer and ten arena gatherings up and down the coast. Once again, we are all interceding for the latter rains of revival and for a mantle of Luke 4:18 to come upon God’s people.

“The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because He has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free” Luke 4:18

We are now here again, joined by many of you, as we press in together with the saints of California to see this new Jesus Revolution pushed through the birth canal. On our first morning, we received a dream that has set the stage for the remainder of our fast. In the dream, Chris Berglund met a woman named Mrs. Mary Fast. She wanted us to meet her daughter Grace and her son David. We immediately felt this dream was connecting us with the prophetic promises for St. Mary/Santa Maria. God is releasing both the anointing of David and the grace for fasting to break through principalities and powers. In the dream, Mrs. Fast also said that David was going to lead us to the “boundary of blood.”  

What's stunning about this dream is that when David confronted Goliath (1 Samuel 17), the giant had been taunting the armies of the living God for 40 days. This is an important factor for us, as there are dimensions in which spiritual powers challenge the armies of the living God in a marathon of conflict. But when God’s people engage in 40-day seasons of fasting, there is a grace by which those powers can be broken and the assault can be brought to an end. 

It’s also interesting that the place where David defeated Goliath was called Ephes Dammim in Hebrew. The English translation is “boundary of blood.” Could it be that it’s the Greater David who is actually showing us the boundary line of battle that Mrs. Fast mentioned in the dream? Truly, when Jesus’ blood was poured out at Golgotha, it became a line of demarcation for all of history. Death was defeated there. It’s where our sins were removed from us as far as the east is from the west. Powers and principalities were disarmed and made a public spectacle as Jesus triumphed over them all (Col 2:15). This border of blood became His finish line and our starting line. It’s the ultimate ground zero, where we now take our place to enforce the victory of His blood over our already defeated foes. 

Therefore, for these 40 days, we urge you to join us at the battle line with the blood of Jesus as our great weapon. Day by day, take Communion and see yourself in Christ, robed in His righteousness. From there we declare the victory of His blood over spiritual powers and principalities, over earthly leaders who rule with antichrist philosophies, and over the enemies of our own souls. 

The future has been entrusted to the ekklesia. Let’s seize the day and see Goliath fall over California and over the nation. 

Sign up for Lou Engle’s Jesus Revolution Fast Devotionals

116 - An Elijah Showdown

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114 - The Passover Love Song

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