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064 - The Art of War

064 - The Art of War


The Fast Has Begun

We’re now just a few days into our global fast, having joined with tens of thousands around the earth. Our Briefing team has hunkered down for forty days in Massachusetts, many fasting on water, as we take our stand of intercession. We’re poised to communicate strategic intel with you as we go so together we can steward the distinct directives God gives us.

A Profound Dream 

Yesterday, Chris Berglund had a dream that we were entering a class on The Art of War. We each had to take a chair and place it in a circle in the middle of the room. A man named David Fast sat next to Chris. The subject matter of the class was Daniel 9 and 10. Over in the corner of the classroom, John F. Kennedy was slouched forward in a seat with his head hanging down. He said, “We can't have another Bay of Pigs.” At the end of the class, we were all given Levi jeans and we put them on. 


There is an ancient Chinese book called “The Art of War,” written by the military strategist Sun Tzu. We understand from this reference in the dream that we are likewise being instructed in warfare - even day to day - as it says of Jesus in Isaiah 50:4. Morning by morning he awakens; he awakens my ear to hear as those who are taught. We sense God saying to us, “Come and take your seat of authority. You are kings and priests and we are in a season like Daniel 9 and 10. You must be fasting and praying because I’m bringing you into a divine moment; it’s a moment when kings will rule and release their rulership over Israel.

Battle Over Israel 

It’s very significant that last night Prime Minister Netanyahu had the greatest victory of his political career. The coming days and weeks will be critical as he seeks to form the 61-seat coalition that is needed to govern Israel and follow through with the annexing of Judea and Samaria. We are in an epic moment that has been compared prophetically to 1948. Meanwhile, there are also plans hanging in the balance that could potentially bring Palestinians and Jews together in integrated business for the blessing of the whole country. Yet, there is a war in the heavens over Israel and over it’s government. We believe God is saying, “You must win the battle.” It seems we have just won a first stage of battle, but we must continue to have our ears opened to listen so we can know how to pray.

Bay of Pigs 

After receiving Chris’ dream, we had to brush up on our history. We recalled that the Bay of Pigs Invasion was a military endeavor initially planned by President Eisenhower that was later adopted by President Kennedy. It light of the growing concern over communism becoming rooted in Cuba, 1200 Cuban exiles were trained by the U.S. military to return to their country in a secret invasion. The goal was to incite a sudden uprising and topple Fidel Castro’s regime. The attack took place from April 17-19, 1961, but America's plans were uncovered. Just when JFK would have needed to send in greater air support to enable a victory, he held back from doing so. The invasion was an utter failure and all 1200 men were either killed or captured. Afterwards, Castro went on to solidify his power by invoking Soviet military aid. 

Learning from the Past 

The failed invasion at the Bay of Pigs was a mistake that Kennedy said we can’t afford to make in our time. It’s as if he’s saying to us that he did not win the battle of the air, but we must. We can’t go into spiritual warfare half-hearted in our prayers and fasting. We must be in it to win and not stop short. Remember, we’re being trained in the art of war and it’s Daniel 9 and 10. We feel this has an application to our warfare over Israel and also over another key battle in this hour...

A Second Assignment 

One of the reasons we’re in New England for the fast is because of a dream Lou had last year. In his dream he saw a ticker tape come across his vision with the words, “You said that you would deliver us” and “418N”. He sensed the “N” had to do with the Northeast/New England. It was as if he could hear the cries of those bound in sexual immorality, in LGBTQ lifestyles, in pornography and other addictions. They were crying out, “You said that you would deliver us!“ and the answer is Luke 4:18 where Jesus said, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me to set the captives free!" Because of this dream, and many others, we have come here to pray Bob Jones’ prophecy of a 100,000 LGBT getting saved and transformed by the power of God. Then, it occurred to us from Chris' dream, that The Bay of Pigs in Cuba is "Castro’s district” [i.e. the Castro District, which in many ways has become the capital of the LGBT community in San Francisco.] We understand the Lord’s instruction to us that we cannot treat this casually right now. 

Air Support

For these next 40 days we need to be praying for a massive jailbreak for the LGBT community. Pray for Jezebel’s power to be broken. Pray for the Freedom March on 4/18 and for all those on the front lines who are testifying of their freedom for the sake of others who long to be free. Pray for the scroll of Luke 4:18 to be opened across New England and the nation. Pray also for Israel, for God’s purposes for Judea and Samaria and for the salvation of the Jewish people. We are in a season of great breakthrough. Let’s see it through all the way to victory.  

065- Life, Liberty and Justices!

065- Life, Liberty and Justices!

063 - 2 Seats in 2 Days

063 - 2 Seats in 2 Days