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079 - Jehu's Chariot

079 - Jehu's Chariot


Letter from the Editor 
Our Briefing team has joined with about 70 young adults from around the nation who have gathered to pray day and night in Colorado Springs up through the elections. Today’s Briefing will keep you right in step with us all for a very important focus on October 15th and 16th. Lou Engle met with me yesterday with a sense of urgency and expectancy to share this revelation with you. We are so grateful for this band of intercessors - now 9000 strong - who are eager to steward the word of the Lord. May He consume us now with His zeal and with a spirit of prayer for thousands upon thousands to ride in His chariot. 

The content below is a condensed summary of revelation which Lou shares in more detail in the following two videos. Feel free to click on these links to watch Lou share more insight.
Lou Engle Video #1
Lou Engle Video #2

— Cheryl Amabile


“There is something going on in the heavens where God is trying to shift regimes, to tear down the altars of Baal, the sex trafficking, the legalization of sexual insanity and the ending of abortion. A judicial interposition from God where He judges the judges and raises up a whole system shift for righteousness in a nation. This is where we’re at right now. - Lou Engle 

Lou and our Briefing team are convinced that the season we have been in as a nation since 2016 is not coming to an end, but is actually ramping up to the height of God’s purpose. The Righteous Judge of the Earth not only desires to tear down the systems and seats of Jezebel’s power in America, but to sweep away the entire house of Ahab. This work is not finished and it cannot take place under just any circumstances. We believe that President Trump has been specifically chosen and equipped for this purpose. We also know from both natural reasoning as well as confirming prophetic dreams, that the House of Representatives and the Senate must both have a majority that are aligned with Trump and with God’s agenda for all to be accomplished as God desires. So, these elections matter. Very much.


This is no time for God’s people to be passive or conflicted. We need a mass unified “yes” behind President Trump and other pro-life candidates at the polls on November 3rd. We also need a strong and unified remnant meaningfully engaged in the place of prayer between now and then (and, of course, beyond).
Several weeks ago, the Lord highlighted Daniel 9 and 10 as well as 2 Kings chapters 9 and 10 for us to pay close attention to as we prayed through the 9th and 10th months of September and October. We’ve been struck by Daniel’s situation in chapters 9 and 10, when his fasting and prayer was inaugurating war in the heavens to influence the kings of Persia and cause them to make decrees that they would not have otherwise made. Now, as we approach the dates October 15-16, we have a clear and urgent sense that God is directing us to align our faith with the verses of 2 Kings 10:15-16 over the next two days… 
Now when he had departed from there, he met Jehonadab the son of Rechab coming to meet him; and he greeted him and said to him, “Is your heart right, as my heart is with your heart?” And Jehonadab answered, “It is.” Jehu said, “If it is, give me your hand.” And he gave him his hand, and he took him up to him into the chariot. He said, “Come with me and see my zeal for the Lord.” So he made him ride in his chariot.


Right now God is riding forth on behalf of truth, humility and justice in America. We see Him likened unto Jehu, an earthly king, who was so full of zeal to accomplish the word of the Lord that it was said, “he rode like a wildman.”  We are also praying and believing for President Trump to be caught up in this zeal and to ride forth into his second term with a Jehu anointing to dismantle sex trafficking rings, to bring justice to the unborn, and to continue to nominate justices who will uphold the pillars of righteousness and justice for decades to come. 
However, at this very moment, there are thousands of evangelicals and millennials that cannot see what God is doing in regards to these elections. A recent opinion article suggested that many feel Trump is no longer needed now that Amy Barrett is likely to be confirmed to the Supreme Court. Others are offended by his coarse nature and have failed to see that God has anointed him to throw down the altars of Baal in our nation. In the meanwhile, we have received multiple dreams revealing witchcraft and seducing spirits that are blinding the eyes of believers, leaving them unwilling or unable to partner with the Father at a governmental level. However, we have been given the opportunity to lay our lives down in prayer for our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ in this great hour of need.  
In the 2 Kings 10:15 passage, Jehu rides and meets Jehonadab, the religious leader of his day. Jehu reaches down and says, “Is your heart one with mine?” Jehonadab says, “I am in agreement with you.” So, Jehu pulls him into his chariot. 
Let us pray that God will suddenly, in these final days before the elections, pull many believers into President Trump’s chariot for the ending of bloodshed and the restraining of antichrist philosophies. Even as God is riding forth, may His Church become possessed with zeal in this hour and loose angels to take down principalities and powers that have ruled in our land since 1973. 
Pray for those in deception. Let’s plead the blood of Jesus over them and rip off the veils! 
Pray for those sitting on the fence. Let us reach for them in prayer and pull them into Jehu’s chariot. Loose a zeal and agreement with the fiery anointing of God who is riding forth to judge the altars of Baal.  
Also, pray for the stripping off of the skirts of Planned Parenthood and for the exposure of wicked people, systems and organizations so that deception will be revealed.  
Lastly, we received a dream today from a Church leader in Mexico in which he saw a liberal political candidate seducing Christian leaders in America to side with him. In the dream we put LIFE tape on our mouths and began to pray the 22 word prayer. Even through the tape, our prayers were somehow being heard. He watched in the dream as the sound of our prayers broke the demonic power of seduction that was holding sway over these Christian leaders. They walked away in freedom and we knew we had gained the victory. 
So, let us also remember to take communion and pray the 22-word prayer that thousands have been praying since 2004. We believe something can shift and break open - even in the next two days - to turn this election.
“Jesus I plead your blood over my sins and the sins of my nation. God, end abortion and send revival to America.”

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